
Original Press (Asia) Limited

本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Mastering Reading系列的Master Reading Comprehension through Liberal Studies 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習Features-Comprehension exercises on themes of Liberal Studies meticulously designed to help students improve their article reading, commentary writ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Mastering Reading系列的Master Reading Comprehension through Liberal Studies 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習Features-Comprehension exercises on themes of Liberal Studies meticulously designed to help students improve their article reading, commentary writ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Mastering Reading系列的Master Reading Comprehension through Liberal Studies 3書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習Features-Comprehension exercises on themes of Liberal Studies meticulously designed to help students improve their article reading, commentary writ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Original Mock系列的Original Mock for Able Students-English F2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:活頁產品尺寸:A4 (210x297mm)產品類別:模擬試題練習Feature:Part 1 Reading Comprehension*Includes a variety of texts of different lengths and levels of difficulty* Covers common topics including popular culture, sp..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Original Mock系列的Original Mock for Able Students-English F3書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:活頁產品尺寸:A4 (210x297mm)產品類別:模擬試題練習Feature: Part 1 Reading Comprehension* Includes a variety of texts of different lengths and levels of difficulty* Covers common topics including popular culture, ..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的我的作文5**之路書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:膠裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210)產品類別: 作文範文狀元作文- 收錄28篇2023 文憑試超級狀元古冰心中學生涯中文科作文- 5篇初中至中四作文,有助初中同學探索寫作的規律和思路- 23篇高中作文,見證作者一步一步邁向文憑試中文科作文5**詳盡分析- 古冰心逐篇分享思路,解釋自己如何從個人經驗出發,構思文章的選材和結構- 編者詳細拆解審題方向、分析文章優點,並適時指出文章可以更進一步的地方,總結出不同寫作技巧- 作者分享、編者分析,讓同學不但能讀到狀元佳作,還能了解作文思路、熟習表達修辭、提升寫作能力..
本產品是其他 Others適用的課外書籍UNC系列的5**狀元必備手冊書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:課外閱讀9 位狀元現身說法,分享-68 個讀書心得-10 大考試致命傷-43 個應考戰術-3 大選科技巧-26 個必勝心理素質毫無保留讓你掌握公開試成功之道-讀書考試,除了努力,方法亦十分重要。這九位狀元的讀書方法已經在他們身上得到實證,或許也能引領有志於公開考試取得佳績的你踏上狀元之路。..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科OP EEL系列的Concise English Grammar書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Features of the book:-Grammar explained clearly and concisely-Many examples included for easy understanding-Exercises with suggested answers-Special bilingual edition-Guide you to a better exam result i..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科OP EEL系列的English by Topics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Features of the book:-Many hot topics studied-Plenty of vocabulary, phrases and sentences provided-Bilingual edition for easy understanding-Enrich your vocabulary, phrases and general knowledge to make you a ..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的數學數學特選系列的Excellence in HKDSE Mathematics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習Features-Questions set in line with the HKDSE syllabus-Covers explanatory questions which are commonly tested in the HKDSE-Includes some F.1-F.3 topics that are often overlooked-Questions are clas..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科UNC系列的Focus on Grammar書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:補充練習About the book-Useful kit for writing-An overview of must-know grammar items-Applicable to English examinations including HKDSE, IELTS, TOEFL and PTE-Grammar rules presented in form of "formulae" for easy underst..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科Focus on系列的Focus on Novels書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習This exercise book is for students preparing for the HKDSE English Language examinations. It aims to develop students' written comprehension of English and to enable them to answer questions on extracts from..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科Focus on系列的Focus on Poems Book 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習This exercise book is for students preparing for the HKDSE English Language examinations. It aims to develop students' understanding of English poems, so that they can answer questions on English poetr..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科Focus on系列的Focus on Poems Book 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習This exercise book is for students preparing for the HKDSE English Language examinations. It aims to develop students' understanding of English poems, so that they can answer questions on English poetr..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科Focus on系列的Focus on Short Stories書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習This exercise book is for students preparing for the HKDSE English Language examinations. It aims to develop students' written comprehension of English and to enable them to answer questions on extrac..
本產品是其他 Others適用的IELTS考試練習UNC系列的IELTS 雅思考試一站通書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:活頁產品尺寸:A4 (210x297mm)產品類別:模擬試題練習一本針對香港考生的IELTS參考書-各卷技巧詳釋(附聆聽CD)-緊貼真正試卷考法的模擬練習-詳盡答案解釋-模擬寫作範文-本書的目的很鮮明:扼要地說出取高分的技巧,各卷考試時間及常見題種,加上四份跟IELTS深度相若的模擬試卷及五張聆聽光碟(其中一張有speaking的實況示範),冀能幫助各位考生奪取佳績!..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的歷史DSE Last Min系列的Last Minute History - Compulsory Part (DSE)書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Last Minute (HKDSE) series:-Follows closely the latest NSS curriculum-Key points are extracted and presented systematically-Ideas are presented in the forms of bullet ..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的ICT 電腦DSE Last Min系列的Last Minute ICT - Compulsory Part (DSE)書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Last Minute (HKDSE) series:-Follows closely the latest NSS curriculum-Key points are extracted and presented systematically-Ideas are presented in the forms of bullet ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Junior Last Min系列的Last Minute English (F1)書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the three-book series LAST MINUTE ENGLISH F1-F3:-Written in line with the latest CDC English Language Curriculum-Small and handy reference for common grammar principles-Compr..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Junior Last Min系列的Last Minute English (F2)書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the three-book series LAST MINUTE ENGLISH F1-F3:-Written in line with the latest CDC English Language Curriculum-Small and handy reference for common grammar principles-Compr..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科Junior Last Min系列的Last Minute English (F3)書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the three-book series LAST MINUTE ENGLISH F1-F3:-Written in line with the latest CDC English Language Curriculum-Small and handy reference for common grammar principles-Compr..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的地理Junior Last Min系列的Last Minute Geography (F1-F3) Book 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Last Minute Geography (F1-F3) series :-Coloured-printing, exquisitely designed-Maps, diagrams and photographs are extensively utilised to illustrate geography ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的地理Junior Last Min系列的Last Minute Geography (F1-F3) Book 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Last Minute Geography (F1-F3) series :-Coloured-printing, exquisitely designed-Maps, diagrams and photographs are extensively utilised to illustrate geography ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的地理Junior Last Min系列的Last Minute Geography (F1-F3) Book 3書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Last Minute Geography (F1-F3) series :-Coloured-printing, exquisitely designed-Maps, diagrams and photographs are extensively utilised to illustrate geography ..
Showing 1 to 24 of 170 (8 Pages)