
Engbridge Education

本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的經濟Choice系列的Choice of Economics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Special features of the book:-Nearly 400 multiple-choice questions-Detailed solutions attached-Custom-made for HKDSE Economics-Similar style to public exam papers-Pinpoints common misconceptions-Simple calcu..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的數學Choice系列的Choice of Mathematics - Compulsory Part書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Special features of the book:-More than 570 multiple-choice questions-Detailed solutions attached-Custom-made for HKDSE Mathematics-Exam-oriented questions in two levels-Harder questions ..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的物理Choice系列的Choice of Physics - Force & Motion書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Special features of the book:-More than 200 multiple-choice questions-Detailed solutions attached-Custom-made for HKDSE Physics-Similar style to public exam papers-Pinpoints common misconcepti..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - 300 Common Errors書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations ..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Vocabulary書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to arou..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的數學New系列的New Algebra 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accordance ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的數學New系列的New Algebra 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accordance ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的數學New系列的New Algebra 3書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accordance ..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的數學New系列的New Data Handling書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accorda..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科New系列的New English 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習English for Junior Form Students is a series of English exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to Form 3 students. The exercises include open cloze passage, MC cloze passage, proofreading and reading comprehen..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的英文科New系列的New English 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習English for Junior Form Students is a series of English exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to Form 3 students. The exercises include open cloze passage, MC cloze passage, proofreading and reading comprehen..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的數學New系列的New Geometry 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accordance..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的數學New系列的New Geometry 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accordance..
本產品是初中 Junior secondary適用的數學New系列的New Geometry 3書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Maths for Junior Form Students is a series of Maths exercises tailor-made for Form 1 to 3 students. The exercises are organised into three major areas - Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling, in accordance..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科One Min系列的中國語文一分鐘 文言文書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記本書主要分為六個部分:-推敲文言詞義的方法 – 閱讀文言文時,常會遇到一些艱深難懂的詞彙,此章節會列舉例子,解說如何使用不同的方法推敲文言詞彙的意思-古漢語詞彙特點 – 詳細解釋及舉例說明文言詞彙的特點,包括一詞多義、通假等-常用文言詞彙的意義及用法 – 分類詳解各常見文言代詞、副詞、連詞、名詞及動詞的意思,並舉例闡明其用法-古今詞義比較 – 有些字詞的含意隨時代及社會發展而有所改變,此章節略述古今詞義的差異,提醒同學多加留意,避免..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科One Min系列的中國語文一分鐘 語文知識書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記本書主要分為六個部分:-標點符號 – 以表列、點列形式說明各種標點符號的正確用法-語法 – 清晰扼要地解說中文語法知識-修辭 – 解構28種修辭手法-寫作技巧 – 詳列記敘、描寫、抒情、說明及議論五類文章的寫作技巧-常用量詞 – 介紹量詞的分類方法,並說明各常用量詞的用法-常用成語 – 簡述七十多個常用成語的含意,並附上例子本書特點:-根據「334」新學制課程撰寫-中學文憑試中國語文科參考教材-介紹中文語法知識,讓考生寫作時避免犯..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的數學Choice系列的數學題選書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習本書特點:-超過570道多項選擇題-附詳細題解-特別為應考中學文憑試數學科的考生而設-習題針對考試設計,劃分為兩個不同的程度-設較艱深的題目,有助提升考生的能力-內附140條涵蓋中一至中三數學科課程的選擇題,助同學複習文憑試初中課程部分..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的經濟Choice系列的經濟題選書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習DSE 文憑試經濟科題選本書特點:- 近400道多項選擇題- 附詳細題解- 特別為應考中學文憑試經濟科的考生而設- 設題模式與公開試試題相似- 點出常見的錯誤概念- 列明快捷簡便的計算方法- 圖表清楚簡明,清晰闡述概念..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科One Min系列的中國語文一分鐘 實用文書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記書中詳列書信、公函、通告類文書、會議文書、建議書等十五類實用文的規範格式及寫作要點,並附上多篇範文,務求使同學掌握書寫實用文的要訣。本書之範文更以不同顏色標示各種要點,使重點更一目了然。本書特點:-根據「334」新學制課程編寫-中學文憑試中國語文科參考教材-詳細列明各種實用文的格式-列舉常犯錯誤,讓考生引以為鑑-收載多篇精選範文,示範各類實用文的寫作方法-輕便小巧,適合隨身攜帶..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科One Min系列的中國語文一分鐘 作文範例書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記本書詳述記敘文、描寫文、抒情文、議論文及短文的寫作要點及技巧,並以多篇範文為教材,說明分析、拆解題目的方法,以及提出一些宜在寫作前思考的問題,引導同學構思文章內容。此外,書中亦詳列範文中所運用的寫作及修辭技巧,讓同學學習如何活用各種寫作手法;而附錄中更分類列出數百個常用詞彙,供同學參考使用。-期望同學讀畢本書後,寫作能力能進一步提高,可撰寫出切合題旨、內容豐富、結構完整的文章,於文憑試「寫作能力」一卷中考獲佳績。本書特點:-根據「..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Useful Expressions書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Tenses書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:Tailor-made for the NSS English Language CurriculumFull-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to arouse stu..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Prepositions書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to ar..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Phrasal Verbs書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to a..
Showing 1 to 24 of 27 (2 Pages)