
Writing Skill

本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的我的作文5**之路書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:膠裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210)產品類別: 作文範文狀元作文- 收錄28篇2023 文憑試超級狀元古冰心中學生涯中文科作文- 5篇初中至中四作文,有助初中同學探索寫作的規律和思路- 23篇高中作文,見證作者一步一步邁向文憑試中文科作文5**詳盡分析- 古冰心逐篇分享思路,解釋自己如何從個人經驗出發,構思文章的選材和結構- 編者詳細拆解審題方向、分析文章優點,並適時指出文章可以更進一步的地方,總結出不同寫作技巧- 作者分享、編者分析,讓同學不但能讀到狀元佳作,還能了解作文思路、熟習表達修辭、提升寫作能力..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科UNC系列的邁向5**中文寫作之路書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:參考範文邁向5**中文寫作之路文章由中文科成績優異的高材生撰寫,包括:- 香港中學文憑試七科5**狀元:陳俊豪、黃海旋- 香港中學文憑試中國語文寫作卷考獲5**的高材生許翹欣、陳杏姸、陳俏華、陳詠儀、麥巧兒、黃麗靜、鄭裕誠、盧芷茵、鄺智浩- 大學中文系寫作能手黃慧琦、黃澤榕、葦澄、潘惠婷50篇優秀作文,記敘、描寫、抒情、論說兼備拆解文章精妙之處,助你踏上奪星之路..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的Smart Writings - A collection of 72 essays by 5** students書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:參考範文Features A collection of 72 essays by two top students of completely different writing stylesSelected vocabulary items and phrases with Ch..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的30 Strokes of Stars書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:參考範文– A collection of top sample writings for HKDSE by 24 Law Undergraduates–Features24 essays by 24 law undergraduates showcasing 24 distinctive styles of writingA novel approach to learning how to write well: t..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的Writing for Distinction (HKDSE)書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:參考範文The four authors of this book excelled in the HKCEE, attaining 10A, 9A, 8A and 6A3B respectively. The 40 essays cover topics from past papers and other hot issues. Vocabulary, phrases and well-wri..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的English by themes書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:16K (190x260mm)產品類別:補充練習Features of the book-13 chapters centred around different themes of HKDSE English Language curriculum-Examples illustrating a specific grammar structure, followed by practice exercises for consolidation-Sample..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的Building Blocks for Effective Writing書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features:-Thematic vocabulary covering key themes and the 8 elective modules of HKDSE English Language Curriculum-Parts of speech provided for precise usage of vocabulary-Contextualized coll..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的Building Blocks for Effective Writing Exercises書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Designed based on Building Block for Effective Writing to help students master the topic-specific vocabulary through a diversified range of exercisesFeatures-Covering key themes an..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的Write it Right書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Grammatical knowledge is of course important, but it alone cannot enable you to communicate effectively in English. Also, writing is not just about language skills: a good piece of writing must have sensible ideas..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科英作系列系列的Grade A Composition Select書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Features of the book:-Designed with the aim of helping students develop writing skills and grammar awareness through exposure to a wide variety of well-written essays-Helps students understand how diff..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科One Min系列的中國語文一分鐘 實用文書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記書中詳列書信、公函、通告類文書、會議文書、建議書等十五類實用文的規範格式及寫作要點,並附上多篇範文,務求使同學掌握書寫實用文的要訣。本書之範文更以不同顏色標示各種要點,使重點更一目了然。本書特點:-根據「334」新學制課程編寫-中學文憑試中國語文科參考教材-詳細列明各種實用文的格式-列舉常犯錯誤,讓考生引以為鑑-收載多篇精選範文,示範各類實用文的寫作方法-輕便小巧,適合隨身攜帶..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科One Min系列的中國語文一分鐘 作文範例書內使用語言:中文釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記本書詳述記敘文、描寫文、抒情文、議論文及短文的寫作要點及技巧,並以多篇範文為教材,說明分析、拆解題目的方法,以及提出一些宜在寫作前思考的問題,引導同學構思文章內容。此外,書中亦詳列範文中所運用的寫作及修辭技巧,讓同學學習如何活用各種寫作手法;而附錄中更分類列出數百個常用詞彙,供同學參考使用。-期望同學讀畢本書後,寫作能力能進一步提高,可撰寫出切合題旨、內容豐富、結構完整的文章,於文憑試「寫作能力」一卷中考獲佳績。本書特點:-根據「..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Useful Expressions書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Tenses書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:Tailor-made for the NSS English Language CurriculumFull-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to arouse stu..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Prepositions書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to ar..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Phrasal Verbs書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to a..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Learning by Topics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Famous Speeches書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - Conjunctions書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations to ar..
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 (1 Pages)