本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的BAFS 企會財Common Error系列的Common Errors in BAFS Accounting書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的生物Common Error系列的Common Errors in Biology - Book 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of erro..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的生物Common Error系列的Common Errors in Biology - Book 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of erro..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的化學Common Error系列的Common Errors in Chemistry - Book 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of er..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的化學Common Error系列的Common Errors in Chemistry - Book 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of er..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的經濟Common Error系列的Common Errors in Economics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of errors that..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科UNC系列的Common Errors in English by Hong Kong Students Book 1書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Features-A collection of mistakes commonly made by students in public exams, with real examples taken from students' work-Explains grammar concepts in a concise and user-frien..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科UNC系列的Common Errors in English by Hong Kong Students Book 2書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A5 (148x210mm)產品類別:補充練習Features-A collection of mistakes commonly made by students in public exams, with real examples taken from students' work-Explains grammar concepts in a concise and user-frien..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的數學Common Error系列的Common Errors in Mathematics - Algebra書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的數學Common Error系列的Common Errors in Mathematics - Geometry & Data Handling書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mist..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的物理Common Error系列的Common Errors in Physics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Common Errors series:While Learning from our mistakes is one of the most effective ways of learning, we can also learn invaluable lessons from others' mistakes. The sort of errors that s..
Brand: Engbridge Education
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的英文科One Min系列的English in One Minute - 300 Common Errors書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記Features of the English in One Minute series:-Tailor-made for the NSS English Language Curriculum-Full-coloured version, written with captivating real-life examples and illustrations ..
Brand: Student House
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的經濟Tricky系列的Tricky Economics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Tricky series:Full coloured printing, pocket-sized, easy to carryAdopting a light-hearted approach to make your learning process a fun experienceThe ace in the hole to save you from falling victim to ..
Brand: Student House
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的數學Tricky系列的Tricky Mathematics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Tricky series:Full coloured printing, pocket-sized, easy to carry-Adopting a light-hearted approach to make your learning process a fun experienceThe ace in the hole to save you from falling victim ..
Brand: Student House
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的物理Tricky系列的Tricky Physics書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記About the Tricky series:Full coloured printing, pocket-sized, easy to carryAdopting a light-hearted approach to make your learning process a fun experiencePinpoints common errors mentioned in the examination repo..
本產品是文憑試 DSE適用的中文科Common Error系列的中國語文 常犯錯誤書內使用語言:English釘裝方法:平裝產品尺寸:A6 (105x148mm)產品類別:精讀筆記常犯錯誤系列特點:從錯誤中學習為學習的其中一個有效途徑,而從他人之錯誤中學習亦能令自己獲益。書中以典型的例子及簡潔清晰的解說,列舉學生在學校習作、公開考試中經常重犯的錯誤。閱畢此列系叢書,同學將能引以為鑑,避免重蹈覆轍。本系列叢書輕便小巧,適合隨身攜帶,讓同學可隨時翻閱溫習。在中國語文科,語文基礎不穩固和粗心大意是學生犯錯的主要原因。本書列舉香港學生誤用標點符號、語句不通、誤寫錯別字和錯讀字音的常見例子,指出同學在遣..
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)